The OldNFO has informative and interesting comments on A New Doctor...
Live From the Alamo City has a post In honor of Texas Independence Day.
Bob S. has a few Tales from the Great Ammo Shortage of ’13, well actually only one tale, but a telling one.
Dutchman6 commented on "New Gun Control Lie: States Can Ban Anything (Contra McDonald)" I have also seen this lie popping up in the comments to FB and other posts. This is a lie that we have allowed to grow as some states pass unethical and unconstitutional anti-liberty gun laws.
Robert continues his annual reporting on the Siege of the Alamo. The latest entry is Day 10: Long Rifles. If you have any interest in what happened at the Alamo, you need to be reading Blackfork.
Tam offers up a Quote of the Day on Magpul in QotD: Money Where Your Mouth Is Edition.
Peter talks about When bureaucrats behave like dumbasses. Want to raise your blood pressure? Read about how a true hero gets suspended from school for saving a life.
Michael Bane comments on everything from Beignets to the status of Colorado's proposed anti-gun laws and what you can do about them in Cafe Du Monde...sigh. Again, if you live in Colorado, hunt in Colorado, visit or even drive through Colorado, you need to read what Michael has to say.
Traction Control has the information on the March e-Postal Match.
The Whited Sepulchre shares Where will you find enough angels? - Milton Friedman.
SayUncle has In potential assault weapons ban news and some AR-15 facts.
Kevin has the Quote of the Day - Registration Edition. If you in anyway favor universal mandatory background checks, you need to read this.
Thirdpower has been mentioned by name in a US Senate committee hearing and notes that I'm Now A Famous Insurrectionist.
John Lott has Issues with a Washington Post Poll that claims: "77 percent of Maryland residents who bought a gun in the past 10 years say they went through a background check"
Liberty... on naming a rifle...... Carteach asks if you have any rifles worthy of being named?
North wonders Ladies - Whose advice should you take?
They say there's a day for everyone...
3 hours ago
1 comment:
Hey, thanks for the links !!
Allen Patterson
Fort Worth TX
The Whited Sepulchre blog
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