Thursday, March 25, 2010

Quick Question

Do you think our grand children will hate us for allowing the .gov to acquire so much power over our every day lives and destroy the American Dream, or, will they even know what they have lost due to our inaction?


Max said...

I think that very few of our grandchildren will have an understanding of what has been lost.
But there will be those who will read and learn.. and cry.

Rev. Paul said...

I think it's entirely up to us - to teach our children about our history and legacy, and make SURE they understand what is slipping away.

If we're unsuccessful at stopping the slide, at least someone else will remember.

Z@X said...

It sound cliché and perhaps irrational, but it is my hope that all of these blogs sit around for centuries as snapshots of a point in time. Those who follow us will not have to guess how things were and how people felt.

NotClauswitz said...

My parents have so embraced .Gov when it suits their Leftist ideology that I was forced to abandon their ideology and lose a lot of respect for them - sad to do to a 78 year old woman and an 84 year old man - I still love them, mostly, but not for the positions they take.

3Dogs said...

DirtCrashr -- I'm in the same boat. I will teach and tell my daughters of the freedoms we have and had and will teach them to fight for freedom.

Anonymous said...

JR - Welcome Back! We all missed you and your insightful posts!


Anonymous said...

They will hate you for not realising and/or not wanting to face the fact that 911 was a coup made by judeo-communists with the help of christian-zionist useful idiots.

They will also hate you for being supporters of the country that is the most dangerous to the USA and the World...Israel...

Anonymous said...

Sigh. . . 6:20PM . . .
Another anony-mouse troll, ranting his (or her?) illogic, but refusing to leave a name.
What'cha gonna do with the naughty children who can't learn to string one logical thought together, much less two?

Buh-bye. Don't let the doorknob hit'cha where the Good Lord split'cha.

B Woodman

Pete said...

Mr. Woodman...

You people have EVERYTHING right, you have it right since the early 90´s...the problem, the HUGE DISASTEROUS problem, is that you love the synagogue of Satan and your Scofield Bible fraud more than you love your country and your freedom.

Their "religious" book, the Talmud, tells them that non-jews are cattle and its their duty to rule over the Planet from Jerusalem. They are doing to you what they did to the Russians, you love them so much you only gets whats coming.

dw said...

great to see your "back in the saddle"

Fits said...

Nah, they won't hate anybody. By then the media will have 'em conditioned to believe this is just how things ARE. Like they did to US and to some degree our parents, after Franklin tried bankrupting the country way back when.

Anonymous said...

Freedom is relative.

Home on the Range said...

They likely wont' realize what they have lost, thinking it is the "norm". Sad.

Tam said...

Tell a kid nowadays that student pickup trucks in the parking lot had deer rifles in gun racks in the mid-'80s and they will look at you like you grew a second head.

Old NFO said...

Remember, the WINNER writes history, and we already 'know' they don't want history taught... sigh...

John Callahan said...

Don't worry. I'ma grand child and I won't let them take it away from us.

Todd said...

I feel that it is very important to keep a personal journal or even a daily blog. So family can look back, read and understand the truth about what is going on in this country and how us as individual free people fit into it.

Anonymous said...

The legal immigrants coming to America from the former East Bloc countries recognize what we have and what we are slowly losing here in America much better than the Younger generation born here. I have my doubts the new generations will recognize what they have lost and so will not try to regain their lost freedom. I hope I am wrong,and I will NOT stop trying to educate them and do whatever is in my power to stop the socialist agenda in our country.
Paul in Texas

Rorschach said...

I read about what we have already lost to stare decisis before I was even born and I weep already, but most people are oblivious to what they have lost. I suspect the same will be true in the future. Some people will KNOW what has been lost, some will have a vague feeling that SOMETHING isn't quite right with the status quo, but won't have a firm grasp of what it is/was, or how it was lost, but most will wander about their lives blindly believing what their state run media has told them to believe.

CeeZar said...

Do you hate your grandparents?
Do you know what you have lost due to their inaction?

The .gov has been boiling the frog for over 100 years.

Heath said...

I agree with the others who've stated the only way they'll know what has been lost is if we educate them. The public schools just don't cut the mustard.

vanghi said...

Let's not be waiting for the public schools to educating. The wait is over.

Oh Hell said...

Most people don't even realize what has and is happening. When the "first" $600 govt. check came, (you know - the one that the govt gave us out of our own tax money and then taxed as income)people at work couldn't wait to spend it. I refused to cash it and my co-workers thought I was crazy. I may have to pay but I don't have to play.

Lefties throw their feces. said...

A personality disorder is a pattern of deviant or abnormal behavior that the person doesn't change even though it causes emotional upsets and trouble with other people at work and in personal relationships. It is not limited to episodes of mental illness, and it is not caused by drug or alcohol use, head injury, or illness. There are about a dozen different behavior patterns classified as personality disorders by DSM-IV. All the personality disorders show up as deviations from normal in one or more of the following:
(1) cognition -- i.e., perception, thinking, and interpretation of oneself, other people, and events;
(2) affectivity -- i.e., emotional responses (range, intensity, lability, appropriateness);
(3) interpersonal functions;
(4) impulsivity.

That about describes you deranged liberals to a T. Your children won't hate you, they'll kill you. Why? Because they'll realize they flush better things than you.

Anonymous said...

One would hope enough of the people would awake enough that we could save what we have left, but that seems - unlikely. The modern masters of bread and circuses have done their work well.

So we will probably have to keep the flame alive and pass it on as best we can until the country is ready to embrace it again.

The lyrics of 'Silent Running' by Mike and the Mechanics come to mind. Probably not the band's intent for the song, but eerily applicable.

Mike's America said...

That's a very good question. I've been reading the full 8 volume biography of Winston Churchill and am currently at the point in 1919 where he warned about the dangers of allowing the Boleshivk/communist regime to continue to grow in Russia. He was right that we should have taken every measure, worn as the Western powers were by the First World War, to prevent this evil. But no one at the time realized it.

The difference now is that WE KNOW Obama is placing this country on a path to destruction.

We owe it to future generations of Americans to do all we can to fight the modern day eqivalents of Bolesheviks so the world might be spared yet more decades of agony later.

Tina Barley said...

I love the USA, I love my gun rights, and I work hard in my small business to make a good American product. Out in the shop, we understand that the age of our Constitution is relatively young compared to the age of the English vocabulary. What we don't get is which part of the word "uninfringed" has a different meaning today than what it did just over 200 years ago?
Pretty sharp for leather shop guys, huh.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

Yes they will - especially if we preach how valuable liberty is. It is WE the people not WE the corporation or Government

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RenegadeArmament said...

It's sad to say, but I cannot fathom the freedoms that we have seen in our lifetime being taken away, so no- I don't think our grandchildren will have any form of what we hold as the american dream in their lifetime.

Collapse News said...

Sadly enough, if we continue to do such a poor job of educating our children about our countries' history, many probably won't even realize how bad things have gotten. Feel free to check out my news blog for daily links to economic collapse news of interest.
