Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Seattle Mayor Oversteps His Bounds

Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation and Joe Waldron of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms have teamed up to take Seattle's Mayor Greg Nickels to task.

From seattlepi.com:

Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels, behaving like the would-be ruler of a "city state," has decided to ignore Washington's longstanding firearms statute regarding the legal carry of concealed handguns by licensed private citizens on city property.

He recently announced he will ban all guns from city property -- places that belong to all citizens, including those who are legally armed -- by executive order, which is not subject to City Council review. This arrogant fiat blatantly violates both the letter and spirit of this state's model pre-emption law, which places all authority for firearms regulation in the hands of the Legislature. He ignores a section in the law that specifically exempts people licensed to carry a concealed handgun from such firearm restrictions.
The entire editorial is well worth your time in reading.

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