Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sunday's Blog of the Week

This week Lady Liberty interviewed Matthew Bracken, author of Enemies Foreign and Domestic. Mr. Bracken his published the second book in the Enemies series. This book is titled "Domestic Enemies" and is on book shelves now.

An excerpt from the interview that is posted on The Price of Liberty:

In 2003, author Matthew Bracken published Enemies Foreign and Domestic, the first novel of a planned trilogy. With its focus on a government set-up that resulted in draconian gun control measures, it gained good reviews and much appreciation from readers. As gun control advocates have continued in their efforts to disarm the law abiding, it also seemed to offer some chilling warnings.

This year, Bracken released the second novel in the trilogy. Domestic Enemies held onto the background established in the first novel, but added to it the probable result of continued unfettered illegal immigration into the country. Once again, the reality is striking even as the story holds the reader's interest.

After reading Domestic Enemies and finding myself genuinely fearful of some of the near future it outlines, I determined to speak with Matthew Bracken and discuss just how real his fiction might - unfortunately - prove to be. Mr. Bracken kindly agreed to answer some questions, and here is the result of our recent conversation.

Lady Liberty: In your first book, the incident that led to all of the other subsequent actions was a government set-up of a shooting incident which caused, in turn, the demonization of guns and gun owners. At the time - two and a half years ago - that seemed pretty believable. As your storyline has evolved, do you still think something like that could happen?

Matthew Bracken: Sure, a false attribution sniper attack could be done. Why not? All it would take is a rifle and ammo, and a crowd penned into an easy killing zone like a packed stadium.

LL: How likely do you believe it is that it will happen - or even that something similar has already happened?

MB: Stranger things have happened, such as Oklahoma City and 9-11. It could happen tomorrow or never. But if it happens, I hope my first novel will at least cause people to look into the crime very closely.

LL: Once laws are made, they're tough to un-do. But in the case of the second volume of your planned trilogy, the problem is apparently a lack of enforcement of long extant constitutional mandate. I refer, of course, to border security. We already know how likely that is because it's already happening. But do you seriously believe that illegal immigration is as great a threat as you paint it to be in your fiction?

MB: Absolutely. I'm dead serious about the threat...
The Price of Liberty is a multi-contributor blog that always has something new and interesting to read and think about. Head on over and read the rest of this interview with Matthew Bracken, and you will find many other interesting articles to read.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the kind words and the link to The Price of Liberty. I never thought of it as a "blog," but I guess it could be called that too.

This is the start of our third year, and we are going to be making some changes to the features offered, as well as the overall look of the site, so your comments are most welcome.

MamaLiberty, Editor/owner

Anonymous said...

I'm delighted to see a link to the interview with Matthew Bracken plugged here. He's a terrific author, and his books are very, very good and well worth publicizing. The Price of Liberty is a site I've long supported, and with good reason given the focus and quality of its evolving content.

A previous interview with Mr. Bracken, book reviews of both of his books, and other columns are published and archived at Lady Liberty's Constitution Clearing House located online at

Lady Liberty