Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fifty Caliber Institute Alert


The New Jersey Legislature has decided to immediately move the bill that would effectively ban the .50 BMG in that state. The fifty caliber community has to join other law abiding gun owners in that state to prevent the passage of this bill. Please support the effort to stop this bill.

Please Contact Your Assembly Members Today!

On Monday, November 17, the New Jersey Assembly is scheduled to vote on A2116 -- legislation banning most firearms over .50 caliber. Though previously amended in an attempt to address gun owner concerns, the legislation still bans many popular hunting guns, historical firearms, and large bore target firearms, based on alleged public safety concerns. Ironically, the legislation bans many of the guns that won the very freedoms the bill seeks to destroy, including some Revolutionary War and Civil War guns and their replicas. A2116 makes the fundamental mistake of banning guns based on the size of the hole in the barrel rather than punishing criminal behavior. It treats law abiding citizens who choose to exercise their Second Amendment rights like potential criminals. Please immediately email, call, and/or fax your Assembly Members and urge them to oppose A2116! Their contact information is available here.

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