I am catching up on some of my reading and thought I would share a few "gems from the sidebar".
Tam reminds us that there are No Unbreakable Magic Swords. Routine maintenance on your firearms is a necessity.
Say Uncle comments on Blackwater's latest class with d + picture of a fence, has a Million Gun March Update and notes More lies for Mexico. Oh... he also has Open can, receive bacon.
Fits covers the merits of an Affordable Fighting Knife... I'll be looking for one of these at the next gun show.
Xavier shares his Thoughts on Crimson Trace Laser Grips. As with pretty much anything Xavier takes the time to write, this is worth your time to read.
Joe comments on Shills and also has ...been wondering when they would suggest this.
Alan has images of an Steampunk iPhone Shirt.
Robb posts An interesting conundrum. That reminds me, I owe Robb an email.
Murdoc writes about the dangers of RFID chips in passports, RFID ID Beacons.
Steve asks Why have Ruger not introduced a tactical 10/22 rifle?, and has GSG-5 SD: The story behind the gun.
Rustmeister has images from a recent Global Warming Protest and also discusses how Reasoned Discourse = Comments Deleted.
AlanDP has a few words on the "Gunz in Mexico" issue, his title says it all: Unmitigated lies.
45Superman has the latest New Illinois insanity and also notes that Illinois Sheriffs' Association supports defensive firearm carry. It seems that Illinois Sheriffs' are a bit more stable than Illinois politicians. Kurt is also the author of the St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner, a very good read.
D. Martyn has a couple of good reads with A Gun in My Pocket and A Gun In My Hand. The Liberty Sphere is also the home of the daily Second Amendment News Roundup.
Peter points out that this is not time for a visit to Mexico in Mexico going from bad to worse. If you or one you love is planning on a South of the border trip for Spring Break, it might be a good idea to change those plans.
SailorCurt posts his long awaited SKS trigger job instructional video.
Robert shares his thought on campaign contributions in his column My Political Day.
The Old NFO has a must read in This is RIDICULOUS!!!, yes it is.
DirtCrashr post an eMail to my Idiots in DC; Boxer and Feinstein.
And last, but not least, Thirdpower has some Unorganized Militia Gear for sale. Check it out.
That is all I have time for this morning. I know I have left quite a few good posts off of this list, that is simply do to the fact that I flat out ran out of time.
8 Reasons Why the FN P90 is Under-appreciated
6 hours ago
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