Monday, October 15, 2007

Is There Something in the Water?

Sometimes you have to wonder about what is wrong with folks these days. There are so many things going sideways, that just do not make any sense and are antithetic to rational thought.

One phenomenon that appears to be happening at an ever increasing rate is the brutal slaying of children by parent or parental figure.

Three recent incidents in North Texas:

From the Dallas Morning News:

From Fox News:

From the Star Telegram:

Man shoots estranged wife and two step children.

Every time I attempt to wrap my brain around incidents such as these, I hit a brick wall. I keep thinking of the children's last thoughts. The terrible confusion of a little girl who still loves her mommy with her dieing breath as she struggles on the end of a rope. The terror as darkness bursts into flames as mommy strikes the match, the betrayal voiced as a charred 7 year old little girl screams, "Why mommy? Why mommy? Why did you do this to me?" after she and her sisters were pulled out of their burning house. The horror and confusion as a little girl watches Daddy shoot Mommy, Brother and Sister. This 3 year old was dropped off at a church, covered in her families blood.

What goes through a parent's mind to make it okay to perform such atrocities against their children?

Goblins I can understand, this form of evil, I can not.

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