Monday, February 09, 2009

North Texas Gun Owners

The group, "North Texas Gun Owners", started as a facebook group that was intended to be a communications conduit for North Texas gun owners.

The facebook description:

This is a "rallying point" for all gun owners in North Texas, to keep track of our local, state and federal officials and make sure they're respectful of their citizens' rights to keep and bear arms.
North Texas Gun Owners has grown significantly and now boasts over 500 members. I was asked to be a member of the Steering Committee and over the past few weeks we have had two Steering Committee meetings to develop a focus for the organization and determine just how serious we were about building this group. Well, it turns out that we are very serious. The four members of the Steering Committee have committed to putting in the time and effort necessary to make the "North Texas Gun Owners" an organization worth your while to join.

The Mission Statement and Goals:

Mission Statement:

OUR MISSION is to promote and protect the Second Amendment Rights of all Texans.

Our Goals:

1. Develop a Diverse North Texas Coalition of Passionate, Pro-2nd Amendment Volunteers

2. Organize a “Rapid-Response” Volunteer Network for Promotion of Pro-gun Policy and Legislative Activity

3. Collect and Distribute Firearms-related News and Legislative Updates to a Broad-based Pro-gun Membership

4. Promote the Growth of Pro-firearm Organizations

5. Utilize Networks to Identify and Mentor New Firearms Enthusiasts in order to Develop Responsible Gun Owners
As you can see, we are not going to be in competition with the Texas State Rifle Association, the NRA, the GOA or any other established pro-firearm organization. We will be promoting membership in these organizations as a term of our charter.

To accomplish these goals, we have developed a leadership structure for the organization:

Leadership Structure:

1. Steering Committee

2. Organization Liaison Committee (Liaison to NRA/TSRA, local vendors, gun ranges, gun organizations, gun show promoters)

3. Publication Monitoring Committee (Monitoring newspapers, magazines, newsletters)

4. Member Communications Committee (Prepare and distribute newsletters digesting firearms-related news and information collected from other committees)

5. Local Government Liaison Committee (Monitor agendas and meeting minutes of local government entities; establish relationships with local elected officials; testify and lobby for pro-2nd amendment rights and policies)

6. Online Committee (Monitoring online communities, blogs, forums)

7. Education and Grassroots Outreach Committee (Develop relationships with potentially-aligned groups and distribute firearms-related information to the public)
We need dedicated individuals to fill these committees, folks who can set aside time at least weekly to help "promote and protect the Second Amendment Rights of all Texans."

Joining North Texas Gun Owners is easy, and it is free. We are going to continue using facebook as our primary means of communication as it is free and effective. To join North Texas Gun Owners, click here and sign up with facebook. You should be directed to the North Texas Gun Owners group after signing up. If you have any problems, let me know and I will help get things straightened out.

If you are a Texas gun owner, you really should be a member of the Texas State Rifle Association. If you are a North Texas gun owner, you should also be a member of North Texas Gun Owners.

1 comment:

catfish said...

Sounds like a great idea. I'd be more than happy to help new shooters out....

Let me know what I can do to help; I don't do facebook. ;)