Friday, January 25, 2013

History and Founders Intent

Are you interested in the history of the Second Amendment?  Do you think it is important to understand the founders intent when they were writing the Second Amendment and including it in the Bill of Rights?  If so then you will be happy to know that David E. Young, one of the foremost authorities on this subject, is back to blogging.  On Second Opinion Blog is David's portal to sharing his wealth of information with the rest of us.  His post  "Second Amendment Intent / Right to Keep and Bear Arms Explained" is a good starting point on your quest to delve in to the history of the Second Amendment.  As David has said:
The facts of American history can end the never-ending dispute over Second Amendment intent, but only if they are understood and deployed to undermine and counteract the error based belief system of gun control proponents.
Head on over and learn some facts, facts that have helped the Supreme Court rule in favor of our right to keep and bear arms.

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