National Ammo Day is just around the corner.

As Kim mentioned last year:
What if, on just one day of the year, every gun owner in the United States went out and bought a hundred rounds of ammunition?So put it on your calendar, make a list of what you need, and buy some ammo on November the 19th.
Given that there are as many as seventy-five million gun owners in the United States, the net result would be that 7.5 billion rounds of ammunition would go into public circulation, in one day.
Now not every gun owner is going to do this. Heck, of the 75 million gun owners, only about 6% (4 million-odd) belong to a Second Amendment-supporting organization like Gun Owners of America, the Second Amendment Sisters, RKBA, and of course the NRA. Not everyone is going to get the word, either, especially as you will hear not a peep about this in the established gun media, let alone in the so-called “mainstream” media.
But what if just 15% of all gun owners bought themselves a hundred rounds of ammo on the same day? That would be over a billion rounds of ammunition going into circulation—and that’s what I’m aiming for.
For more information, head on over here.
1 comment:
One of the Hogtown Irregulars is an infamous reloader and has promised me some nukes to fill the cylinder of a S&W 500.My ammo purchases have tailed off since ripping my right arm in twain, but with any luck I might be capable of touching off some hellfire and damnation rounds come the 19th.
Hey, any excuse, ya know.
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