Monday, October 20, 2008

Ohio Gun Rights Advocates Have a New Voice

The has invited David Codrea of "The War on Guns" to be their "Cleveland Gun Rights Examiner."

From David's first editorial:

Now it’s time for a little shameless exploitation of my new hosts. I'd like to extend an invitation to Cleveland area gun rights activists: we have a unique and unprecedented opportunity here, courtesy of, to employ their resources and reach to get our message heard outside "the choir." Let's use it. If you know of a story that can help promote the cause, send me the link as a tip. If you're part of a gun rights group that is fighting a particular battle, supporting or opposing a particular candidate or measure this area is affected by, or if you have an event coming up, let me know about it. If you're an area gun blogger, by all means keep me apprised of work you're doing that Northeast Ohioans would be interested in. Just email me, and put EXAMINER in the subject.

Let's not make this MY Examiner page--let's make this OUR Examiner page. That also means if we post something here that will be of interest to your gun-owning friends and club members that you help spread the word through your email contacts, on gun boards, etc. And by all means leave comments. If the folks running this show see this topic generates interest, they'll be more likely to encourage more of it throughout their considerable media network. And before I forget, I also need to extend an invitation to a very important segment of Examiner readers--those horrified and angered by all of this, and who think the problem is not enough gun control.
David explains this excellent opportunity in his post "Gun Rights Examiner". Head on over, give it a read, and help to spread the word.

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